We want to inform that is now available in every biggest worldwide digital stores the albums of ANASTASIO FARINI.
His debut album "Lil' Angel" contains 9 melodic Hard Rock songs with elements of classic Hard Rock till Glam, and Hair Metal sounds with neoclassical solos is the characteristic of sound of Lil'Angel Album.
Also Anastasio Farini cooperate with great singers wherever they in turn gave them their own mark in the final result.
At " Lil'Angel "song Anastasio Farini featuring with the Greek singer Dean Mess (W.A.N.T.E.D)
-" Sweet Lovin' Girl " song featuring with the great melodic singer Rob Mancini
-" Anytime All The Time " song featuring with the amazing singer from Sweden Pelle Saether (Grand Design)
-" Brother To Brother " song with the idol legendary from England Reuben Archer (Stampede, cult band of the NWOBHM)
- " I Will Be Loving You Forever "and " Like My Way Of Love " songs with the fantastic performer from Australia Darren Grant (Eruption,Daz Of Oz)
-" Wild Boyz " (cover song from Duran Duran) with the biggest Greek Rock Star George Gakis.
In the instrumental songs " The Phantom Of The Opera " (cover from famous Andrew Lloyd Webber's musical ) " Prelude " with the great maestro and keyboardist from George Gakis band Panagiotis Voulgaris, also in the song " Lil' Angel" Anastasio Farini featuring with the Greek maestro and keyboardist player Giannis Giouras.
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» ANASTASIO FARINI "Lil'Angel" NOW available on the digital market
ANASTASIO FARINI "Lil'Angel" NOW available on the digital market
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- In: artisti no limits artistinolimits believe digital cinaotiko dragomilov dvl gator bureau eur records eurockerz greece hard rock heart of steel records heavy metal invincible records melodic rock
ANASTASIO FARINI "Lil'Angel" NOW available on the digital market
DeFox Records

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