EUR RECORDS (DeFox's Mainstream and Pop music department) is happy to inform that the album “Neanche un raggio di sole” of Traveling Musician and Photographer VINNIE PERINOTTO is now available in every biggest worldwide digital stores.
Vinicio Perinotto, better known simply as Vinnie, is a guitarist, a singer and a wanderer with twenty years of experience on the road behind him. During the years his passion for music and for travelling lead him to perform in beautiful places and in a great number of cities in over twenty different countries.
Vinnie is an complete artist, have the ability to create with your own voice a pathos.
He is a romantic minstrel and his nomad experience and lifestyle are precious knowledge of the peoples of the Earth.
“Neanche un raggio di sole” is his third album and the first one in Italian lyrics.
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» VINNIE PERINOTTO “Neanche un raggio di sole” is NOW available in digital market
VINNIE PERINOTTO “Neanche un raggio di sole” is NOW available in digital market
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- In: artisti no limits believe digital cinaotiko defox records eur records glamour made in italy melodic rock musica rock
VINNIE PERINOTTO “Neanche un raggio di sole” is NOW available in digital market
DeFox Records

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