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La scintilla scatenerà la rivalsa dei giusti!


Strani congegni, alterazioni mistificatorie, che in pochi secondi possono creare un brano inedito, una composizione elaborata da app e programmi informatici che scandagliando in ogni dove lo stile musicale, le hit, gli evergreen del passato possono ottenere canzoni complete bypassando la creatività, l'ingegno, la sensibilità dell'artista, dell'uomo! 

Quale effimero successo possono ottenere questi brani se non umiliare, plagiare le menti e annichilire ogni forma di dissenso?

NOI diciamo NO! 

La nostra campagna di sostegno all'ingegno, alla intelligenza umana si pone in prima linea per contrastare un disegno, già in atto, che vuole perpetrare un abominio ripugnante in nome di una evoluzione deviante, falsata, creando disadattamento cognitivo e conflitto sociale.

La scintilla scatenerà la rivalsa dei giusti!

Scarica il banner e condividilo nei social! Contribuisci a sostenere la nostra campagna contro questo continuo abominio!

Axe Hero reveal the official cover of the single Lovin Japan

Axe Hero reveal the official cover of the single "Lovin Japan" created under the supervision of Mirko DeFox by the Stellaclone Design studio.

The digital single will be released worldwide on December 20, 2023, distributed through Heart Of Steel Records in all major music stores such as Spotify, Amazon, Apple Music, Deezer, Shazam, Youtube and many others.

The song "Lovin Japan" was originally released by Ax Hero on their 1983 demo tape "Brainstorm".

Version 2.0 was recorded and mixed in June this year at "Gian Studios" San Bonifacio VR, with the following line up:

- Mirko Defox Galliazzo, vocals, choir

- David Johansen Galliazzo, drums

- Davide Moby Laperni, guitars, bass

Very special guests:

- Gian Dian, guitars, keyboards

Mastering was entrusted to Nik Freego at Haunted Recording Studio.

Gli Axe Hero svelano la copertina ufficiale del singolo "Lovin Japan" realizzata sotto la supervisione di Mirko DeFox dallo studio Stellaclone Design.

Il singolo digitale è in uscita mondiale per il 20 di Dicembre 2023, distribuito attraverso la Heart Of Steel Records  in tutti i maggiori music stores come Spotify, Amazon, Apple Music, Deezer, Shazam, Youtube e molti altri.

Il brano Lovin Japan è stato pubblicato dagli Axe Hero originariamente nella demo tape "Brainstorm" del 1983.

La versione 2.0 è stata registrata e mixata a Giugno di quest'anno presso i "Gian Studios" San Bonifacio VR, con la seguente line up:

Mirko Defox Galliazzo, vocals, choir

David Johansen Galliazzo, drums

Davide Moby Laperni, guitars, bass

Very special guest:

Gian Dian, guitars, keyboards

Il mastering è stato affidato a Nik Freego presso Haunted Recording Studio.

MASSIMILIANO UNGARO - Quantica - DeFox Records/Completa-Mente Records 2023


MASSIMILIANO UNGARO "Quantica" - DeFox Records/Completa-Mente Records 2023

DeFox Records e Completa-Mente Records sono orgogliose di annunciare la Meditazione audio - Percorso Meditativo Vibrazionale intitolato "Quantica" di Massimiliano Max Ungaro. Un Viaggio meditativo guidato, con armonia e la ricerca del benessere interiore. 

Il prodotto è distribuito in tutte le piattaforme digitali come Spotify, Amazon Music, Deezer, Tidal e molti altri.

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Chi è in guerra con gli altri non è in pace con se stesso di William Hazlitt.

La meditazione è un’Esperienza, un momento di incontro, il viaggio verso il Sé e sé stessi.

La meditazione è connessione.

Dalla respirazione e il rilassamento al nostro equilibrio energetico, dal colore della nostra aura al dialogo e all’armonizzazione dei nostri chakra: il radicamento, la Madre Terra, il Maestro Interiore, pulizia energetica e Nuova Vibrazione; Quantica è un sentiero guidato verso la nostra armonia e il benessere interiore. Quantica è un momento prezioso da dedicare a noi stessi, al nostro equilibrio e centratura, dal Cuore alla voce dell’Anima, il dialogo e l’equilibrio tra il Me e il Sé, tra l’Io e il Noi.

Perché è attraverso la consapevolezza che possiamo iniziare a vivere meglio. Semplicemente partendo da noi. Da come stiamo con noi stessi.

Max è scrittore, autore conduttore e speaker radiofonico, compositore musicale e polistrumentista, formatore e operatore in Discipline Bio-Naturali e ricercatore spirituale.

Tra i suoli libri Circles - Un Messaggio d’Amore da Atlantide e Fiabe Arcane – Magia, Tarocchi e un Campo da Calcio.

Fiabe Arcane è un viaggio attraverso i tarocchi per conoscere sé stessi e che permette di riflettere e approfondire diversi aspetti della propria vita. 

L'autore ci prende per mano in questo percorso alchemico, conducendoci alla scoperta dell’ universo articolato ed affascinante che ognuno custodisce dentro di sé.

CLICCA per acquistare il libro

Conduce la trasmissione "Il Bosco dei Sogni" in una delle stazioni radio più storiche di Padova, fondata nel 1976, Radio Gamma 5 (94.00 Fm e in streaming nel web) ha gli studi a Campodarsego.

In questi anni Max ha incontrato personalità e creativi di tutte le discipline artistiche e non.

Ha condotto interviste eccellenti a Silvano Agosti, Mogol, Phil Palmer, Pippo Franco, Kate Stone, Luca Ward, Sergio Bambaren, lo Chef Giorgio Locatelli, Sergio Caputo, Drupi, Yari Carrisi, Rita Pavone, Ron, il noto pilota e YouTuber Alberto Naska, Luce Caponegro, Annalisa Minetti, il regista Thomas Torelli, Denise Faro, gli Audio 2, Syusy Blady, Shel Shapiro, Monica Ward, Douglas Meakin, Marco Piraccini, Sara Cassidy-Radio Freccia, Riccardo Lasero, Neja, Giorgia Trasselli, Sergio Muniz, Luisa Corna, Marco Ligabue, Elisabetta Villaggio, il regista Emanuele Caruso, Rosmy, il soprano Claudia Pavone, Giacomo Voli, Andrea Ascolese, il soprano che ha incantato al Concerto di Capodanno alla Fenice di Venezia Federica Lombardi, il giornalista e scrittore Giorgio Baietti (Mistero, Voyager ecc.), Marco Martinelli, il biografo e amico intimo di Franco Battiato- Guido Guerrera, il record man delle traversate desertiche Max Calderan, Lorenzo Vizzini, Stefania Mantelli, Gianluca Morozzi, Enzo Braschi, Alberto Cancian, Manuela Costantini (Masterchef7), Alex Raco, Thea Crudi  e molti altri.

Presentazione meditazione Quantica in inglese

 "Those who are at war with others are not at peace with themselves." William Hazlitt 

Meditation is an experience, a moment of encounter, the journey towards the Self and oneself.Meditation is connection. From breathing and relaxation to our energy balance, from the color of our aura to the dialogue and harmonization of our chakras: grounding, Mother Earth, the Inner Master, energetic cleansing, and New Vibration; Quantum is a guided path towards our harmony and inner well-being. Quantum is a precious moment to dedicate to ourselves, to our balance and centering; from the Heart to the voice of the Soul, the dialogue and balance between Me and Self, between I and We. It is through awareness that we can begin to live better. Simply by starting with ourselves. How we feel with ourselves.

Max is a writer, author, radio host, musical composer, multi-instrumentalist, trainer, and practitioner in Bio-Natural Disciplines, as well as a spiritual researcher. Among his published works are "Circles - A Message of Love from Atlantis" and "Arcane Tales - Magic, Tarot, and a Soccer Field."

Arcane Fairy Tales is a journey through tarot cards to get to know oneself and which allows one to reflect and delve deeper into different aspects of one's life.

The author takes us by the hand on this alchemical journey, leading us to discover the complex and fascinating universe that everyone holds within themselves.

He hosts the show "Il Bosco dei Sogni" on one of Padua's oldest radio stations, Radio Gamma 5 (94.00 FM and streaming on the web), which was founded in 1976 and has its studios in Campodarsego.

Over the years, Max has met personalities and creatives from all artistic disciplines and beyond. He has conducted excellent interviews with individuals such as Silvano Agosti, Mogol, Phil Palmer, Pippo Franco, Kate Stone, Luca Ward, Sergio Bambaren, Chef Giorgio Locatelli, Sergio Caputo, Drupi, Yari Carrisi, Rita Pavone, Ron, the renowned pilot and YouTuber Alberto Naska, Luce Caponegro, Annalisa Minetti, director Thomas Torelli, Denise Faro, Audio 2, Syusy Blady, Shel Shapiro, Monica Ward, Douglas Meakin, Marco Piraccini, Sara Cassidy of Radio Freccia, Riccardo Lasero, Neja, Giorgia Trasselli, Sergio Muniz, Luisa Corna, Marco Ligabue, Elisabetta Villaggio, director Emanuele Caruso, Rosmy, soprano Claudia Pavone, Giacomo Voli, Andrea Ascolese, soprano Federica Lombardi - who enchanted audiences at the New Year's Concert at the Fenice in Venice, journalist and writer Giorgio Baietti (Mistero, Voyager, etc.), Marco Martinelli, Franco Battiato's biographer and close friend Guido Guerrera, desert crossings record holder Max Calderan, Lorenzo Vizzini, Stefania Mantelli, Gianluca Morozzi, Enzo Braschi, Alberto Cancian, Manuela Costantini (Masterchef7), Alex Raco, Thea Crudi, and many others.

Completa-Mente Records NEW Indipendent Music label division della DeFox Records.


Completa*Mente Records è una Indipendent Music label division della DeFox Records.

"Oggi più che mai abbiamo bisogno di usare la nostra creatività, uscire dai nostri modelli tradizionali di pensiero, immaginare e progettare un mondo futuro più responsabile, attenzione all'uomo e rispetto dell'ambiente.

Lo sviluppo personale avviene espandendo ogni esperienza sensoriale verso l'Universo. Il suono, la voce, il messaggio che risveglia in noi umanità e pace" (Mirko DeFox Galliazzo, Artisti No Limits president)

Completa*Mente Records is an Independent Music label division of DeFox Records.

"Today more than ever we need to use our creativity, move away from our traditional models of thought, imagine and plan a more responsible future world, attention to man and respect for the environment.

Personal development occurs by expanding every sensory experience towards the Universe. The sound, the voice, the message that awakens humanity and peace in us" (Mirko DeFox Galliazzo, Artisti No Limits president)

SACLAS New album now available - The Origin, According To Mainländer

SACLAS "The Origin, According To Mainländer" - Invincible Records/DeFox Records 2023

The legendary mastermind Martin Martinez, announces the second release of the new project called Saclas titled "The Origin, According To Mainländer" which will be released on October 10th, 2023, distributed worldwide through Invincible Records on digital market.

The new project of the Mexican multi-instrumentalist Martin Martinez (Xipe Totec, Yatrogeny, Consolamentum, Miquian, Eclectic Spawn), presents his new album titled: “THE ORIGIN, ACCORDING TO MAINLÄNDER”, between the riffs of an Old School Death Metal deep and ethereal melodies are heard transversal flute, even, in the midst of these small atmospheres, exude guitar solos based on Persian Scales, quite consistent with a direct Death Metal orchestrated under guttural voices that recall the german philosopher and poet Phillipp Mainländer (1841 - 1876), an album that is somehow, is a tribute to his work "PHILOSOPHY OF REDEMPTION", which maintains that the beginning of time and of Everything was the self-annihilation of God; being the universe, life, and consequently, ourselves, corpses of that Primordial Unit, which once, avidly preferred: Nothingness...

Track list:

1.- Everything ends in the grave (Intro)  

2.- His Death, Our Creation

3.- The Origin, According To Mainländer

4.- Utopian Ideal State

5.- From Miracle To Abomination

6.- Teleology Of Eradication

7.- Our Life, A Slow Agony

8.- Demon And Saint

9.- All That Is, Has Been

10.- Redeemer

11.- Perspective Towards Nothing

- Intro (Voice by Akizur).  “ Todos nuestros caminos terminan en la tumba”, Mainländer.

- Cover painting, all music, voice & instruments: Martin Martinez (

- Mix , Master, logo &  Art design by Adrián Barrios (

- Lyrics: excerpts from Mainländer's writings, summary by Martin Martinez. 



Claytone Claymore new album available now

DeFox Records and BUBBLE BLOOD RECORDS are pleased to announce the new album Titled " Amazing gravity" of electro experimental project from Denmark called CLAYTONE CLAYMORE #claytoneclaymore #bubblebloodrecords

The sound is difficult to categorize but it can be defined as alternative, experimental, perhaps post punk. Claytone Claymore is a visionary project, a sort of delirious and cryptic journey, created by multi-instrumentalist Jeppe Sorensen.

The product will be launched on the digital market on September 30th and will be distributed in major stores such as iTunes, Amazon, Spotify, Deezer, Google Music, Youtube Music and many others.

Picture by Remi Galiazzo and Artwork by Stellaclone Design

Music and Lyrics, All instruments by Jeppe Sorensen

Album : Amazing gravity

Track list :               

1. Betty Blue               

2. Bring in the clowns 

3. Golden words        

4. Quicksand              

5. Too late      


Press Office:


Invincible Records announce SACLAS new Martin Martinez project


SACLAS "Achamoth" - Invincible Records/DeFox Records 2023

The legendary mastermind Martin Martinez, announces the release of the new project called Saclas and debut album titled "Achamoth" which will be released on September 22th, 2023, distributed worldwide through Invincible Records on digital market.

A debut and concept album, where the treatises and wisdom of thinkers marginalized and forgotten by the Academy, have now been poured into thunderous and devastating sounds typical of Death Metal. Isn't Metal characterized by being extreme and reminding us of madness? Well, despair, emptiness, the chronic idea of death, the chaos of the world and its irreparability, were inspiring sources for "ACHAMOTH".

Death Metal project of the multinstrumentist Martin Martinez (Xipe Totec, Yatrogeny, Miquian, Consolamentum, Eclectic Spawn), where on this occasion, he carries out the recording of the voice and additionally, makes use of the transverse flute in the middle of those heavy riffs and dark, as expressed in his lyrics, as cursed philosophers and poets such as Mäinlander, Ciorán, Schopenhauer, Zapffe, Michelstaedter,  Caraco, Hesse, Leopardi and some topics of Gnostic tenor, are the content of SACLAS (“blind God” in Aramaic, main demon of the Manichaeism).

Track list:

1.- Achamoth  (intro)

2.- Without Will

3.- Redemption Of Mainländer

4.- Storm Of Lucidity (instrumental)

5.- Fatal Demiurge

6.-The Last Savior

7.-Dukkha (instrumental)

8.- Sorrows Of The World

9.- Leopardi Sigh

10.- Harry Haller

11.-Michelstaedter Rhetoric

12.-The Fall Of Sophia


Heart Of Steel Records announce the british heavy band GENERAL JACK


GENERAL JACK - General Jack - DeFox Records/Heart Of Steel Records 2023

DeFox Records and Heart Of Steel Records are very proud to announce the EP of GENERAL JACK, English band that was formed in the late 80s and that materialized their line-up in the 90s!

General Jack's sound is heavily influenced by the NWOBHM, conducted by the singer Darren Joyce with Shaun Stain,Guitar - Patrick Jackson, Guitar - Scott Gregory, Bass, Backing vocals - Drew Poxon, Drums, Backing vocals.

The EP titled "General Jack" contains four songs in tune with the first New Wave Of British Heavy Metal of the Eighties, the most authentic one with lots of Rock and Roll and Hard Rock.

The product will be launched on the digital market on date to be defined and will be distributed in major stores such as iTunes, Amazon, Spotify, Deezer, Google Music, Youtube Music and many others.

Track list:

1 Show No Mercy

2 Fantasy 

3 Cold Hearted Women

4 Going Back Home (Dr. Feelgood's Cover)

Follow the band:

The FB:



DeFox Records and BUBBLE BLOOD RECORDS are pleased to announce the new album Titled " Get out of my head" of electro experimental project from Denmark called CLAYTONE CLAYMORE #claytoneclaymore #bubblebloodrecords

The product will be launched on the digital market on May 30 and will be distributed in major stores such as iTunes, Amazon, Spotify, Deezer, Google Music, Youtube Music and many others.

Track list:

1. Bitching 
2. Doesn't kill me 
3. Get out of my head 
4. N 
5. Pittbulls on parole 
6. Push me 
7. Under 

Encore Believe mobile app made just for you

Encore by Believe è un'app creata apposta per te, per i nostri artisti. Questa nuova app ti consente di tenere traccia delle tue prestazioni, rimanere aggiornato con attività importanti sulla tua musica e connetterti con i tuoi fan a un livello più profondo, ovunque e in qualsiasi momento.

Scarica Encore oggi

Encore è disponibile in tutto il mondo ed è stato tradotto in 13 lingue. Scarica l'app oggi scansionando il codice QR e connettiti utilizzando i tuoi soliti dati di accesso Backstage. Se al momento non hai accesso a Backstage, contatta il  label manager del tuo account in modo che possa aiutarti a iniziare.


Encore by Believe is an app created just for you – our artists. This new app allows you to track your performance, stay up to date with important activities on your music, and connect with your fans on a deeper level – anywhere, anytime.

Download Encore Today

Encore is available worldwide and has been translated into 13 languages. Download the app today by scanning the QR code and connect using your usual Backstage login details. If you do not currently have access to Backstage, please contact your account administrator so that they can help you get started.

Discover Encore

How Can Encore Help You To Promote Your Music?

Encore enables you to make well-informed decisions, by giving you the ability to track the performance of your music across all major stores, worldwide, straight from your mobile device.

It is also a valuable tool for facilitating deeper engagement with your fans; whether you want to give your latest release a little boost, or want to celebrate a milestone and thank your fans for their support in achieving your successes, Encore is here to help you do this seamlessly.

Within the app, you will find some ready-made features that take the hard work out of connecting with your fans:

Smartlinks: To Promote Your Releases

Smartlinks are unique URLs which enable you to share the news of your latest release with your fans, making it instantly available for them to discover in just 1 click, across all their favorite platforms. Ensuring that your audience can listen to your music on each of their preferred platforms is a great way to increase your reach, by making sure that your availability is as broad and unique as your fan base.

Using Encore, you can create and share smartlinks for your latest release directly to your social networks, in just a few clicks. There is no need for editing, they are ready- to-publish directly to your stories, posts and more!

Spotlight Cards: To Celebrate Your Successes

Fans love to feel part of your success and to celebrate with you, this is where Encore’s Spotlight cards come into play, offering ready-to-use designs that are generated automatically by the app for you to share directly to your social networks.

Spotlight cards also offer a great opportunity to thank curators and platforms for including your music in their playlists, helping to build stronger relationships with them, increasing your chances of getting songs included into other playlists in the future.

There are 3 types of Spotlight cards to choose from:Playlist entry card
Chart entry card
Streaming milestone card.

Stay informed: Know When You’re In The Spotlight

With Encore’s notification system, you won’t miss out on any important performance events, such as playlist/chart entries and streaming milestones. You will be made aware of these in real-time, meaning that you will be ready and able to share these successes with your fans the moment they happen, with your ready-made Spotlight cards loaded and ready to launch in an instant.

AXE HERO Bomb news of the day!

Dopo quasi quarant'anni e per la prima volta AXE HERO esce come da tradizione legata agli anni 80,  in formato VINILE!! Ecco la news ufficiale di Aua Records e Heart Of Steel Records: "Seconda uscita Febbraio 2023, da Vicenza Axe Hero: raccolta di 4 brani dai master originali usciti su demo tra il 1984-1985: It's Rock, Violence Of Pleasure, Come Back e I'll Fly. Le prime copie conterranno come extra la riproduzione del flyer originale del gruppo del 1984 e la riproduzione della cartolina promozionale della King Klassic dell'epoca. Anche questo volume potete ordinarlo su auashop " #axehero #80sitalianmetal #italianmetallegion 😜🤘

La storia:

Nati ufficialmente nel 1981 con il nome di AXE HERO sono certamente una delle prime Hard and Heavy metal bands apparse in Italia. Costituiti dall'asse portante dei Galliazzo brothers, Mirko DeFox alla voce e David Johansen alla batteria debuttano con la prima demotape immediatamente (intitolata "Drive in metal" e registrata artigianalmente in sala prove) raccogliendo i primi tiepidi riscontri dalle primordiali  e underground fanzine. 

Nel 1983 esce la prima vera demo intitolata "Brainstorm" che contiene due songs che ricevono subito complimenti entusiastici, vale a dire "Lovin'Japan" e "Countryside" con la band che si è stabilizzata con Dave Moby Laperni alla chitarra e Fabio Pico Duarte al basso. Inizia un intensa attività live che porta i nostri ad aprire come gruppo "spalla" le serate a personaggi del music system televisivo come Jo Squillo, Garbo, i comici Gigi & Andrea e la soubrette Alba Parietti. 

Dopo poco tempo sull'onda di un soddisfacente entusiasmo la band pubblica una nuova cassetta demo "It' Rock (Against all)" che riscuote importanti e positive recensioni su tutti i migliori Rock magazines, da ricordare alcune pubblicazioni; nel magazine "Metal Forces" considerato la Bibbia metallica britannica, su "Shock Power" zine tedesca, su "Barst" in Belgio. Il gruppo si guadagna un ottima fama live grazie alle performances agli heavy metal fest di Padova (con Crying Steel, Hocculta e Devils Claws) e Verona dove viene presentato uno show molto shockante, con modelle seminude e culturisti travestiti da giustizieri.

Nell'1985 gli Axe Hero vengono contattati dalla label americana King Klassik Records (Hellcatz, Wrath) che invita la band a partecipare con un brano alla compilation di nuove band emergenti. Il duo dei Galliazzo brothers reclutano a fianco del fidato Dave Moby alla seconda chitarra l'ex Captain Kill (in seguito Xipe) Piero Albanese e al basso Cesco Laperni. Con  questa line-up entrano nei prestigiosi studios Space Station ed incidono la canzone "Come back".

Il disco della label americana non verrà realizzato ed il brano viene così incluso nella tape "3°act" (1986) la prima a nome X-HERO, che presenta anche la nuova line-up con Alex Stornello alla chitarra (proveniente da una band italoamericana distaccata presso la base N.a.t.o. di Napoli) ed al basso e tastiere Paul Blondie Gidoni, membro fondatore della band, presente nella prima demo tape.

Arrivano recensioni entusiastiche da mezzo mondo sopratutto dagli States dove il magazine rock più venduto "Aardshock America" tributa a Mirko De Fox la palma di migliore vocalist europeo in campo Metal, da ricordare la rivista peruviana "Cuero negro", il magazine brazilero "Rock Brigade", il portoghese "Brigada metal power" e il nipponico e ipercommerciale "Burrn".

In questo periodo alcune registrazioni tratte dalle prime due demo degli AXE HERO vengono riversate in un master e stampate in formato vinile a 33 giri senza autorizzazione della band e fatte circolare nella Ex Yugoslavia. Mirco Galliazzo attraverso una azione legale blocca la circolazione e distribuzione dell'album.

Mirko e soci entrano nell'Aprile '87 negli "Space Station studios" e registrano il debut album omonimo che verrà pubblicato a Settembre dall'etichetta romana Fly by Night con distribuzione Dischi Ricordi ( 

La stampa italiana esalta subito il disco e la band (“Ciao 2001”, "Metal Shock", la rivista "H.M.", "Flash", "Tuttifrutti"...) anche programmi radiofonici importanti (radio RAI, Radio Peter Flowers...) trasmettono le canzoni degli eroi, mentre la prima tiratura in vinile viene esaurita in poco tempo. I consensi positivi portano alla ristampa su vinile ed alla realizzazione di un numero limitato di copie in cassetta e compact disc con distribuzione Fly by Night e in Europa con Neat Records (famosa label inglese che ha lanciato Venom, Tygers of Pan Tang, Jaguar...). 

La storia continua ...

BOOM!!!! 💣 Bomb news of the day!! #axehero 🤘 After almost forty years and for the first time Axe Hero comes out in VINYL format!! Here is the official news from Aua Records: 

"Second release February 2023, from Vicenza Axe Hero: collection of 4 tracks from the original masters released on demo between 1984-1985: "It's Rock", "Violence Of Pleasure", "Come Back" and "I'll Fly". The first copies they will contain as an extra the reproduction of the original 1984 flyer of the group and the reproduction of the King Klassic promotional postcard of the time. You can also order this volume on auashop " #axehero #80sitalianmetal #italianmetallegion 😜🤘 /?axehero


Officially born in 1981 with the name of AX HERO they are certainly one of the first Hard and Heavy metal bands to appear in Italy.

Formed by the backbone of the Galliazzo brothers, Mirko DeFox on vocals and David Johansen on drums debuted with their first demo tape immediately (entitled "Drive in metal" and handcrafted recorded in the rehearsal room) collecting the first quietly feedback from the primordial underground fanzines.

In 1983 the first real demo titled "Brainstorm" was released which contains two songs that immediately received enthusiastic compliments, namely "Lovin'Japan" and "Countryside" with the band stabilized with Dave Moby Laperni on guitar and Fabio Pico Duarte on bass . An intense live activity begins which leads our band to open the evenings as a "support" group for characters from the television music system such as Jo Squillo, Garbo, the comedians Gigi & Andrea and the soubrette Alba Parietti. After a short time, on the wave of a satisfactory enthusiasm, the band releases a new demo tape "It'Rock (Against all)" which receives important and positive reviews on all the best Rock magazines, to remember some publications; in "Metal Forces" magazine considered the British metal bible, in German "Shock Power" zine, in "Barst" in Belgium. The group earns an excellent live reputation thanks to the performances at the heavy metal fests in Padova (with Crying Steel, Hocculta and Devils Claws) and Verona where a very shocking show is presented, with half-naked models and bodybuilders dressed up as executioners.

In 1985 Ax Hero were contacted by the American label King Klassik Records (Hellcatz, Wrath) who invited the band to participate with a song in the compilation of new emerging bands. The Galliazzo brothers duo recruited alongside the trusted Dave Moby and on second guitar the ex Captain Kill (later Xipe) Piero Albanese and Cesco Laperni on bass. With this line-up they enter the prestigious Space Station studios and record the song "Come back".

The album of the American label will not be released and the song is thus included in the tape "3rd act" (1986) the first under the name X-HERO, which also presents the new line-up with Alex Stornello on guitar (coming from a band Italian-American based in Napoli) and on bass and keyboards Paul Blondie Gidoni, founding member of the band, present in the first demo tape.

Enthusiastic reviews arrive from all over the world especially from the States where the best-selling rock magazine "Aardshock America" pays tribute to Mirko De Fox as the best European vocalist in the Metal genre, to remember the Peruvian magazine "Cuero negro", the Brazilian magazine "Rock Brigade ", the Portuguese "Brigada metal power" and the Japanese and hypercommercial "Burrn".

In this period some recordings taken from the first two AX HERO demos are poured into a master and printed in 33 rpm vinyl format without the band's authorization and circulated in the Ex Yugoslavia. Mirco Galliazzo through a legal action blocks the circulation and distribution of the album.

Mirko and partners entered the "Space Station studios" in April '87 and recorded the homonymous debut album which will be released in September by the Roman label Fly by Night with distribution by Dischi Ricordi (

The Italian press immediately praised the album and the band ("Ciao 2001", "Metal Shock","H.M. magazine","Flash","Tuttifrutti"...) also important radio programs (RAI radio, Radio Peter Flowers. ..) broadcast the songs of the heroes, while the first vinyl pressing sold out in a short time. The positive acclaim led to the reissue on vinyl and the creation of a limited number of copies in cassette and compact disc with Fly by Night distribution and in Europe with Neat Records (famous English label that launched Venom, Tygers of Pan Tang, Jaguar.. .).

The story continues ..

Multi-instrumentalist Martin Martinez announce the first solo album

MARTIN MARTINEZ “TEQUIPACHOLIZTLI” - Invincible Records/DeFox Records 2023

DeFox Records and Invincible Records are proudly to announce the first solo album of Martin Martinez, master and philosopher of ancient, primordial pre-hispanic music from Mexico.

The product it's entitled "Tequipacholiztli". The Album contains ten songs inspired by the ancient and mysterious pre-hispanic mood.

The release will be published in February 20th - 2023. Digital album will be available on every worldwide webstores, iTunes, Amazon, Spotify, Deezer, Google Play, Tidal, Shazam, YouTube Music and many more.

This time, the homonymous multi-instrumentalist presents us with a way of making music with pre-Hispanic instruments combined with Death Metal voices. The result is a mythical, mysterious and cavernous sound of a possible and hypothetical primordial Mexico.

Master creator of Metal bands such as XIPE TOTEC, MIQUIAN, YATROGENY and CONSOLAMENTUM, Martin brings us his first solo album "Tequipacholiztli" (anguish) translated from Nahuatl, the language spoken by the ancient Mexicas, which makes a kind of remembrance of the ancient songs existentialists called “Icnocuicatl” or songs of affliction. These small reflections about the life and death binomial capture the imagination of the creator of Tequipacholiztli, writing to his worldview little phrases of affliction and sorrow. The philosophical and lyrical influence of Cioran and Schopenhauer, as well as the music of Jorge Reyes and Antonio Zepeda are present, in a syncretistic project with pre-Columbian sounds, death metal and a lot of grief...

Nahuatl translation: Luz Mariana Padilla 

Cover: “The vision of the Brete” Beto Mire 

Lyrics, music and voices: Martin Martinez

Mastering & logo: Adrián Barrios 

Track List:

1.- TOYOLTZIN CHOCAHTICA (Our hearts cry)



4.- AHTICMATIH (We do not know)

5.- TOYEYAN (Our place)

6.- NEMILIZTLI (Existence)

7.- NOMTLI (Mute)



10.- AHTICMATIH TLEIN? (What is all this?)

“Toyoltzin chocahtica ihuan toehuatl ezquiza.

Our heart cries, our skin bleeds.

Cehcen tlacatiliztli, ce choquiztli huehueyac.

Every birth, a desperate cry.

Ahticmatih tlein quitoznequi yolliztli.

We do not know the meaning of life.

Ahticmatih tlein quitoznequi miquiliztli.

We do not know the meaning of death.

Toyeyan, tlacahcayahualliztli ixinach.

Our place, seed of lies.

Nacazatzatl Ä«xpan in nemiliztli ixitecuicatiliz,

Deaf to the noise of existence.

Nomtli queh mimiqueh.

Dumb as corpses.

Ixpopoyohtlih Ometecuhtli iconehuan.

Blind sons of Ometecuhtli.

Tequipacholiztli ipan tlein huahlaz, iccxiohtli motlatla.

Anguish in the future, trail on fire.

Ahticmatih tlein?, ¿Tlein in xihuitl?

What is all this? What is time?”