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The return of prog rockers BLONDIEFOX


BlondieFox are the singer Mirko "DeFox" Galliazzo and the multi-instrumentalist Paul "Blondie" Gidoni.
They animated the Italian rock scene of the 80s with the band "X-Hero" (legendary name of european  metal rock music) recording several demotapes, an album (1987), a 45 rpm vinyl format (2010) and various appearances in CD compilations. At the beginning of the 1990s, the desire to change artistic direction, inspiration and the pleasure of creating new music dragged the duo to found the BLONDIEFOX project.  The music draws from rock without barrierss mixing experimentalism and passion that is outlined in the drafting of songs full of atmosphere and energy.

The duo composes and records numerous auditions in Mirko's private studio and some of these favorably hit the well-known producer and singer Franco Serena (Serena Band, Ragazzi dai capelli verdi, Nuvole di paglia, Cosmos 2000 ...) who proposed them for publication on the label specializing in reprints and progressive rock called "Mellow records".
The "Agua" CD is produced and printed which contains 15 remixed tracks in collaboration with another well-known producer and publisher, Aldo Menti in his Valdagno studio (Vicenza).
The disc receives warm consents also due to the scarce distribution in stores, this reason is due to privilege mail order targeted only to amateurs and collectors implemented by the Sanremo label.

The unstoppable creative vein of BlondieFox transports them to Aldo Menti's "White studios" that wants to produce a new album, 10 new songs are recorded with as "special guest" guitarist Roberto Benna.
The album that should have been published by "Tring International" (the label that launched the CD "Linea Azzurra" with famous names like Le Orme, Rettore, Drupi, Bennato, Fogli ....) is instead "frozen".
In this work, rock and melody merge with thoughts full of reflection and depth, technological atmospheres that break down every sound barrier, fantasy and technique no longer secret towards a progressive and universal music.

It should be noted that Mirko is invited by the producer Mauro Moroni to present a cover/song in the quadruple CD of tribute to the Italian rock progressives of the 70s, BlondieFox choose the song "Neve calda" of Balletto di Bronzo.
In the Tributes also many foreign groups appear (American, Japanese, English ...) the product is packaged in a wonderful deluxe package, a precious "Gem" for collectors.

After more than twenty years, Mirko DeFox decides to publish with his label several unreleased recordings remained for years in the drawer !!

The first product to see the light is an EP with 6 tracks entitled "Il triste canto dell'uomo bianco (The sad song of the white man)" where the themes and texts, written by four hands by Mirko and Paul, in a moment of great inspiration around 1996, in a manner sorpendente almost prophetically anticipate the existential, environmental and social problems that today are daily news.

LISTEN "Il triste canto dell'uomo bianco"